The Create & Convert website course

For service providers and coaches who want to attract more website traffic into their inbox and offers.

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Imagine if requests to work with you just appeared in your inbox…

…straight from your website!

And more of the right people were clicking those “book a call”, “work with me” or “join programme” buttons!

Traffic was directed into your inbox and offers on autopilot and got you dream client enquiries and sales in your sleep.

Its’ entirely possible for you! This is what my inbox looked like in 2023 and when my clients work with me, they too started getting a steady flow of website enquiries every month.

Right now you’re lucky to get 4 website enquiries a year – let alone in a month!

That doesn’t sit right with me 😤

Because you’re the kind of business who provides transformational services in this world. You create massive impactful change for your clients and genuinely care about the work you’re doing. Expanding your business is simply an act of service for your people!

And your website’s an easy way to open up another stream of abundance but right now its putting people off. You know it can do better but you just don’t know how to make it convert as much as you’d like.

You’re done with a dull DIY website that doesn’t contribute to your sales figures or client pipeline.

You’ve worked on your website 1000x times already and getting a bit sick of not knowing what to do with it. You’ve tried to attract more website traffic into your inbox and offers but your conversion rate doesn’t budge!

You’re ready to fast track to the answers and have someone show you how to create a website that actually gets more of your website traffic into your inbox and offers.

That’s why I set up Create + Convert

A self-paced, online course that takes you through how to plan your website for conversions and how to design each website page in a way that easily leads more of the right people into your inbox and offers.

You’ll learn how to make your website look more professional, build trust and buyer confidence to increase sales, and avoid the common pitfalls business owners make that leave their website traffic clicking the X button.

Get access now

...I got 5 client leads within 2 weeks!

The advice was easy to understand and once I implemented the feedback I got 5 client leads within 2 weeks!

Bridget Wilkinson, Murdered for Money



What’s inside…

10 easy to follow modules in plain English.

Each one takes you through my conversion boosting strategies and shows you step-by-step, how to layout your pages to look professional and provide a cohesive website experience that leads website traffic into your inbox and offers.

Each modules is around 10-30 minutes so you no longer have to spend hours hunting for answers!
Get access now

This course is perfect for you if…

  • You’re a service based business or coach.
  • You’re have an existing website or setting up something completely new.
  • You have a DIY website you can edit and feel able to make changes to. All DIY website builders welcome: Wix, SquareSpace etc.
  • You do have the time to make website changes (you’re just done wasting your evenings on redundant website tweaks).
  • You know your website could look more professional and it has you procrastinating on putting yourself out there, selling, networking, raising your prices, and other expansive business growth opportunities.
  • You know your website isn’t a silver bullet, but right now it’s a BIG energetic drain that’s costing you more leads, sales, sign ups and expansive opportunities.

"After I made the changes, I got 6 dream client leads in one month..."

Just wanted to say thank you for a thorough website report. The video gave me so many 💡 moments! It makes a lot of sense. It gave me direction as to what needed to be changed and I implemented most of them right away. After I made the changes, I got 6 dream client leads in one month when before I was only getting 5 a year from my website!

Joana Meneses, Styling You Confident

Ready to attract more website traffic into your inbox and offers?

Get Access to the CREATE AND CONVERT COURSE right now:

Access the Create & Convert course for £375

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Why I can help you convert your traffic…

Hi I’m Eloise and I’ve been creating websites for over 20+ years! I’m qualified and experienced and my many years of web designing have taught me what makes a website attractive and what encourages people to buy online.

My impressive track record of clients who have 10x their monthly dream client leads, doubled website sales, scaled to 6 figures and more means you’re in safe hands because I’ve seen many times over how my expertise has helped people reach their goals.

I won’t blind you with geek speak and silly questions are encouraged!

Find out more about my background and qualifications here.

"...I have already had an increase in contact emails..."

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Eloise for her fantastic website lead amendments, tweaks and advice. They were fantastic, I put all of them into place and I have already had an increase in contact emails and people spending longer on the website.

Emma-Louise Trotter, Creative Consultant
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