Create & Convert – Web Design Intensive

For service providers and coaches wanting expert support as they transition their website from dull DIY to professional profitable portfolio.

This 15 week intensive shows you step-by-step how to layout your entire website to create a professional, cohesive design that encourages conversions.

In these trainings, I include the very strategies I use myself to create highly converting and professional looking websites for my clients that help them attract more traffic into their inbox and offers.

Ready to drop the DIY website look and create a professional website that gets your expertise recognised by the clients you want to attract?

It really bothers you that your website looks like you made it yourself. It’s not living up to your potential and when you’re trying to appeal to a certain market, you want those clients to be certain of your expertise and professionalism.

You’ve looked at your website 1000s of times and feel you’ve done all you can to implement your vision into the design. Now it’s time to bring an expert on board who can help you tie it all together to create a professional looking website that increases your credibility!

Instead you want:

💖 A website that represents the 5-star service you provide and increases your credibility.

💖 A website that opens you up to more sales, sign ups, lengthy waitlists, prestigious PR opportunities and extra money in the bank!

💖 A website that motivates you to double your prices confidently and gets you recommended as the go-to expert in your industry.

💖 A website that’s going to get you website enquiries every month in your inbox. 

...I got 5 client leads within 2 weeks!

The advice was easy to understand and once I implemented the feedback I got 5 client leads within 2 weeks!

Bridget Wilkinson, Murdered for Money

How it works

You’ll finally feel like you have a website to be proud of. A website that represents you as the valuable, go-to expert and builds your credibility, as well as buyer trust in your brand and offers (making them more likely to buy!)

Because you’ll learn the very strategies I use, as an expert web designer, to create a professional looking website, even with a DIY website builder.

You’ll learn how to design a website that looks super professional which is going to raise your credibility and make your website traffic feel safer buying from you.

You’ll learn how to plan and layout a website that directs traffic towards your inbox and offers and makes it easy for them to take that final step towards working with you, whether thats booking a call, filling in an enquiry form, or buying your offer.

And you’ll have my support and guidance the whole time so that you never feel lost, confused or overwhelmed when designing your website.

What’s inside?

👑 10 weeks of module videos: Each under 30 minutes, breaking down how to plan + design your website into manageable steps, making it easy to understand and easy to fit into busy schedules.

👑 4 extra weeks of expert support after the trainings have gone up so you have lots of time to make website changes and get feedback.

👑 Step-by-step website planning: Every module gives you step-by-step, easy to follow instructions that break down how to plan and design your entire site and each page to ensure your website is cohesive, user-friendly, professional looking and encourages people to convert.

👑 A private Facebook group with 24/7 access where I’ll be on hand to answer your questions, so you’re never left feeling stuck or overwhelmed. Plus, it can be tough working on your own but together, we’ll make these changes fun and I’ll be there to cheer you on and celebrate your progress every step of the way.

👑 Max group of 6 people so you won’t be lost in a sea of other businesses and get forgotten about!

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"After I made the changes, I got 6 dream client leads in one month..."

Just wanted to say thank you for a thorough website report. The video gave me so many 💡 moments! It makes a lot of sense. It gave me direction as to what needed to be changed and I implemented most of them right away. After I made the changes, I got 6 dream client leads in one month when before I was only getting 5 a year from my website!

Joana Meneses, Styling You Confident

Join Create & Convert – Web Design Intensive

Doors are currently closed. In the meantime, join the waitlist and get first priority + exclusive discount.

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...feeling uplifted and motivated in respect of my website now...

WOW! I’m a bit blown away to be honest. I’m so impressed. It was so easy to understand and to visualise how amendments would enhance each page and the overall user experience.

I had to pour a large G&T and brace myself but I actually really enjoyed it. Really feeling uplifted and motivated in respect of my website now, thank you! Can’t wait to implement your suggestions.

Julie Gibbins, Beach Belle

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This programme is perfect for you if…

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Hi I’m Eloise & I’ll be supporting you at every step!

I have 20+ years of website qualifications, experience and expertise! In this time I’ve learnt what makes a website attractive and what makes people buy.

My impressive track record of clients who have 10x their monthly dream client leads, doubled website sales, scaled to 6 figures and more means you’re in safe hands because I’ve seen many times over how my expertise has helped people reach their goals.

I won’t blind you with geek speak and silly questions are encouraged!

Find out more about my background and qualifications here.

"...I have already had an increase in contact emails..."

Just wanted to say a massive thank you to Eloise for her fantastic website lead amendments, tweaks and advice. They were fantastic, I put all of them into place and I have already had an increase in contact emails and people spending longer on the website.

Emma-Louise Trotter, Creative Consultant

I’m so grateful, it’s really helpful and clear...

Just watched the video oh my goodness thank you so much. I’m so grateful, it’s really helpful and clear because I could see what you were looking at. I’m going to get on this today eeek I’m excited now! Thannnnnnk yoooouuu again! xx

Victoria, You, Me Oui
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